How to Read a Psychrometric Chart _ Wet And Dry Bulb Air Conditioning System _ DBT and WBT


Reading a psychrometric chart is a useful skill when working with wet and dry bulb air conditioning systems. It helps us understand the properties of air, such as temperature, humidity, and moisture content. Let's go through the steps of reading a psychrometric chart:

Familiarize yourself with the axes: The psychrometric chart consists of two main axes: the vertical axis represents dry bulb temperature (DBT), measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, and the horizontal axis represents humidity ratio or specific humidity, measured in grams of moisture per kilogram of dry air.

Locate the dry bulb temperature (DBT): Find the desired DBT value on the vertical axis of the chart. Follow the line corresponding to that temperature across the chart.

Identify the wet bulb temperature (WBT): On the same line as the DBT, locate the intersection point with the curved lines that represent various wet bulb temperatures. These curved lines are diagonally inclined on the chart.

Determine the humidity ratio: Once you have identified the intersection point of the DBT and WBT, draw a vertical line from the intersection point down to the horizontal axis. The value at this point represents the humidity ratio or specific humidity of the air.

Interpret the properties: Now that you have located the DBT, WBT, and humidity ratio, you can interpret the properties of the air. For example, you can determine the relative humidity (RH) by comparing the humidity ratio to the saturation line on the chart. The closer the humidity ratio is to the saturation line, the higher the relative humidity.

Explore other properties: Psychrometric charts also provide information about enthalpy, dew point temperature, and other parameters. Enthalpy is represented by the diagonal lines on the chart. Dew point temperature can be found by following the constant humidity ratio lines to the curved line that represents 100% relative humidity.

Remember, a psychrometric chart is a valuable tool for understanding the characteristics of air in a wet and dry bulb air conditioning system. Regular practice and familiarity with the chart will enhance your ability to analyze and make informed decisions when working with air conditioning systems.

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